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Three Year Degree Course in

  1. Arts
  2. Commerce

Maximum seat capacity in TDC Arts (General Course) is 100


Three Years Degree Course (Arts)

Accordingly, there will be six final examinations viz.

T.D.C.1st year:           Semester I & Semester II Examination

T.D.C. 2nd Year:         Semester III & Semester IV Examination

T.D.C. 3rd Year:          Semester V & Semester VI Examination


Subjects for Semester (General Course)

Compulsory Subjects:

Semester-I & II:                    1. English   2. Either Alternative English or MIL Assamese

Semester-III& IV:                 1. Either Alternative English or MIL Assamese   2. Environmental Studies

Elective Subjects:               1 .  Economics    2. Political Science  3.Geography   4.Education   5. Philosophy   6.

TTM   7.History      8.Mathematics     9.ITC


Note: A student is allowed to take the following combination of subjects

  1. Assamese/ Hindi/ Alternative English
  2. Economics/ Philosophy
  3. History/ Education
  4. Geography/ Political Science
  5. TTM/ ITC


Major Subjects: The College offers major in the following subjects

  • Assamese (ASL)
  • Economics   (ECO)
  • Education (EDN)
  • English (ESL)
  • Geography  (GGY)
  • History (HIS)
  • Political Science (PSC)
  • Philosophy (PHL)
  • Hindi (HSL)


Subjects for Semester (Major Course)

Sl. No Major Subject CompulsorySubject Elective-1 Elective- 2 Elective- 3
1 Assamese English Hindi/ Alt. English Education/ History Political Science/ Geography
2 English English Ass/ Hindi History/ Education Political Science/ Geography
3 Education English Ass/Hindi/ Alt. English Political Sc/ Geography Economics/
4 Economics English Ass/Hindi/ Alt. English Political Sc/ Geography Education/ History
5 Hindi English Ass/Alt. English Political Sc/ Geography Education/ History
6 Geography English Ass/Hindi/Alt. English Economics/ Philosophy Education/ History
7 History English Ass/Hindi/Alt. English Political Sc/ Geography Economics/ Philosophy
8 Philosophy English Ass/Hindi/Alt. English Political Sc/ Geography Education/ History
9 Political Science English Ass/Hindi/Alt. English Economics/ Philosophy Education/ History


Eligibility for Major Course

  1. A student can opt for three subjects in the application form while selecting his/her major subject according to his/her relative preference.
  2. He/She must have minimum 45% marks in the concerned subjects.
  3. The student will have to appear for selection test of all the subjects she/he has opted for.
  4. If a student is eligible for more than one subject in the major selection test result, then she/he will have to finalize the major subject immediately and inform the authority about the same. No change in the major subject will be allowed after that.


B.Three Years Degree Course (Commerce) Major / General

Semester I General Course

  1. Business Mathematics (BMT) or Fundamentals of Insurance (FIN)

(Business Mathematics is compulsory for Major Students)

  1. Financial Accounting (FAC)
  2. Business Organisation & Entrepreneurships Development. (BED)
  3. Indian Financial System (IFS)

 Semester -I Major Course

  1. Business Mathematics (BMT)

(Business Mathematics is compulsory for Major Students)

  1. Financial Accounting-I FAC)
  2. Business Organisation & Entrepreneurship Development.(BED)
  3. Indian Financial System (IFS)
  4. Cost Accounting (CAC) (For students having major in Accountancy)


Human Resource Management (HRM) (For students having major in Management)

Semester -II General Course

  1. Communicative and Functional English-I or Functional Assamese-I (ASM)
  2. Financial Accounting-II (FAC)
  3. Principles of Management. (PMG)
  4. Business Statistics (BST)


Semester -II Major Course

  1. Communicative and Functional English-I or Functional Assamese-I (ASM)
  2. Financial Accounting-II (FAC)
  3. Principles of Management. (PMG)
  4. Business Statistics (BST)
  5. Management Accounting (MAC)

Or, Human Resource planning & Development (HPD)

Semester III: General Paper

301: Environmental Studies (EVS)

302: Communicative & Functional English-II Or, Functional MIL-II (ASM)

Core Paper:

303: Corporate Accounting

304: Direct Tax (DIT)

305: Corporate Law (CPL)

Specialized Papers 

306: Advance corporate Accounting (AcA) Or, Industrial Relation & Labour Law (IRL)

Semester IV: (General Paper)

401: Business Economics (BEC)

Core Papers

402: Auditing & Assurance (ADA)

403: Indirect Tax (IDT)

404: Financial Service (FIS)

Specialized Papers 

405: Advanced Financial Accounting (AFA)

Or, Cost & Management Accounting (CMA)

Semester V: (General Paper)

501: Business Environment

Core Papers

502: Marketing Management

503: Financial Management

504: Regulatory Framework of Business

Specialized Papers

505: Financial Statement Analysis (for students having Accountancy Major)


Customer Relations and Retail Management (for students having Management Major)

Semester VI: (General Paper)

601: Information Technology in Business (ITB)

Core Paper

602: Marketing of Service (MGS)

603: Modern Banking Practice (MBP)

604: Regulatory Framework of Business (ii) ( RFB)

Specialized Papers

605: Project Report (Common for all major students)